boundary是什么意思 boundary中文翻译、读音、例句-k8凯发

发布时间:2023-01-24 09:34:08 阅读:220 点赞:30

boundary是什么意思 boundary的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. was to get to the boundary.

翻译:就只有去到边界 {\fncomic sans ms\fscx50\fscy50}was to get to the boundary.。

2. that's yo ethical boundary.

3. and also there is no boundary beeen classoms.

4. and one of these is boundary cssing.

5. yo brain is actually computing that boundary, the boundary that goes ght there.

6. when required , are pduction boundary sample available at required work station ? are boundary samples appved by s.


7. that boundary is meant to keep the memoes in.

翻译:那边界是保留记忆用 {\fncomic sans ms\fscx50\fscy50}that boundary is meant to keep the memoes in.。

8. and what can be special than that there is no boundary...

翻译:而又有什么能比没有边界更为特别... and what can be special than that there is no boundary...。

9. it will continues to collapse, cssing a boundary in -time called the "nt hozon,"

翻译:它会持续坍缩 it will continues to collapse, 超越时空界限 cssing a boundary in -time。

10. border, borderline, boundary, boundary line, delimitation, demarcation, dividing line, fntier, limit, mete.

11. etb estimated time of boundary

12. that is the boundary and the pce of immortality.

13. as the top boundary of the zimenqiao formation is diachnous, the intermediate boundary fluctuates near its top boundary.


14. the stress under free boundary can be iored, which quitely less than the stress under fixed boundary.


15. that boundary was cssed.

翻译:that boundary was cssed.。


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