capacities是什么意思 capacities中文翻译、读音、例句-k8凯发

发布时间:2022-10-20 13:28:35 阅读:194 点赞:55

capacities是什么意思 capacities的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. boiling point elevations are negligible as well as the vaation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temperate.

2. packages for certain prepacked foodstuffs; capacities of glass and metal containers


3. such varying capacities mean there cannot be a uniform standard in redd s, at least in the beginning.


4. what we're finding is that what we want is access to the capacities of things.

翻译:我们寻找正是我们所希望 那就是让事物发挥出最大承载力。

5. nand flash offers higher capacities with siificantly faster wte and erase performance.

翻译:nand flash提供更大容量同时实现快速写擦能。

6. what you can assist us, it's by building capacities.

7. no, i guess my intellectual capacities are limited.

8. of or relating to having capacities for cogitation.

9. isolation and identification of subclone cell lines with different metastatic capacities fm human osteosarcoma

10. to mease up to all that is demanded of him, a man must overestimate his capacities.

11. with relevant capacities of expending.

12. yo leadership can stir others to their own capacities for moral betterment.

13. in terms of where we are in science with dna identification capacities and so on, it's not that far off.

翻译:就目前科学上 dna鉴定及其他高端技术鉴定能力来讲, 快速诊断程序离我们不会太遥远了。

14. research on ghp model with constrained departing and landing capacities

15. there are capacities of the human mind that we tend to think are capacities only of the human mind.


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