swim是什么意思 swim中文翻译、读音、例句-k8凯发

发布时间:2022-11-09 05:30:36 阅读:420 点赞:28

swim是什么意思 swim的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. or tennis? or tennis and then swim?

2. she cannot swim. the girl cannot swim.

3. well couldn't get rawhide loose.

翻译:for a boy who can't swim you were a fool to keep it.。

4. learn to swim! learn to swim!

5. he can't n swim. really?

翻译:他根不会游泳 he can't n swim.。

6. alght. well, how long will it take to free swim fm the intake to the hatch.

翻译:how long will it take to free swim fm the intake to the hatch.。

7. this is such an important swim.

8. jine can't swim, but i can swim.

9. dad told me to swim in a straight line,

翻译:我爸让我沿着直线游 dad told me to swim in a straight line。

10. swim in the sea and swim in the lake was completely different.

11. if he learns to swim, good.

翻译:如果他学会游泳 很好 if he learns to swim, good.。

12. i can't swim, i can't swim!

13. - you want to learn to swim, who's the expert?

翻译:- nah, it's all ght. - you want to learn to swim, who's the expert。

14. you talk about if werewolves can swim?

翻译:你们聊狼人可以游泳吗? you talk about if werewolves can swim。



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