
发布时间:2023-01-25 14:20:26 阅读:296 点赞:10


关于”对贫困反思“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:reflection on poverty。以下是关于对贫困反思中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:reflection on poverty

as we all know, universities pvide scholarships for outstanding academic students, and there is another policy for those students with outstanding achiments but limited financial resoces. howr, this policy has csed great contversy. if someone wants to oain a scholarship, they must make a speech, which requires the crent situation of poor students and the context of poor families.

different people have different opinions some people think that the policy hts poor students. they think that poor students must speak in fnt of the whole class if they want to get university funding. some n talk about their miserable childhood expeences to persuade their clasates to vote for them.

those who oppose this vulgar speech policy think that it is a double harm to poor students. poverty has already made them feel uneasy. they have to expose their poverty.

for ryone, in order to get d of poverty, it makes their life miserable. howr, some people beli that this kind of speech policy can not only poor students, but also gain the belief of fighting for poverty. people can't choose the family they were born in, but they can choose their own fute at any time.

therefore, if they want to get d of the crent situation, they must face it first, and they are not afraid to fight for it and do not suffer, but consider o reasons, i support the former one. the number of scholarship places is limited and the number of poor students is so large that most of them get nothing. the policy should be changed.




last week, we held a class activity for children fm poor families. the head teacher called on us to donate books, clothes and stationery to schools in the dlopment zone. xiaoming donated his favote set of detective books, and i also bught my betiful clothes, including an imported dress.

o activity aims to bng care to the poor people in the west. in this pcess, ry student actively participates in the pcess. for me, ry minute is very enjoyable.

i hope that in the near fute, we can hold such activities to unite people more care for the poor.




as a child, my parents give me all their love, i think it is a necessary thing, so i am very nghty, when my parents teach me, i will be angry with them, i made a lot of fends, sometimes we will quarrel, and then i know that we all need to srender, so the fendship will last for a long time. why should i not treat my parents as well as my fends? i start it's easy to get angry with people they love becse they know they won't be abandoned, so they leave the worst to close people. this is the evil side of most people.

they are nice to strangers, impatient with family members, close fends will always stand by us, they are worthy of o kindness. i realize my mistakes and try to contl my emotions when i talk to my parents, they are happy that when we gw up and see my changes, we will understand that life is not easy, but at least we are lucky to have family and fends nd.




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