
发布时间:2022-08-14 04:41:08 阅读:1498 点赞:89


关于”全球化影响“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:the impact of globalization。以下是关于全球化影响雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:the impact of globalization

has globalization been popular in the past o decades? under the irresistible trend of globalization, unprecedented changes have taken place in o society. the world is talking about globalization. some people think it is an invention of this centy, while others first look at its negative effects fm an economic perspective.

globalization pvides employment opportunities and has a siificant impact on wages and income distbution. well, politically, we know that under the influence of globalization, many international institutions have been established, such as the eopean union, the world trade orization, the gup of eight or the international cminal cot. finally, culte is also one aspect.

globalization pmotes s-cultal communication and people's participation in "world culte". these three aspects are not all. there are other aspects that are also changing their ways under the influence of globalization.

on the other hand, globalization also has sral negative aspects. first of all, the global threat of o traditional culte, with the populaty of chstmas and valentine's day in the west, with the dlopment of economy, many global envinmental pblems have appeared, such as global warming. fm my point of view, fm the economic is, we can see its disadvantages.

everything has o sides. i think globalization is gratifying, and its advantages oueigh its disadvantages. globalization is both a challenge and an opportunity.

the key is how to learn fm each other to make up for the weaknesses.




in terms of globalization, the global economy should explore the regulatory and coordination mechani. at present, the world economy is under the backgund of globalization, trade globalization, financial globalization and financial globalization. in order to solve the negative impact of globalization, it is necessary to establish a global monitong mechani, and stve to get out of the is.

it is not only forces, but also countes s must work together to build a global regulatory regime.




globalization is a word. it is a concept and a phenomenon in the pcess of human social dlopment. globalization has many definitions.

it usually refers to global connection in the sense of globalization. on the basis of the dlopment of human life in a global scope, the awareness of political, economic and trade interdependence among countes is enhanced. globalization can also be interpreted as the compression of the world the world is regarded as a whole.

with the expansion of globalization, which affects the ll of human society, the disciplines of politi, education, society and culte have been gradually delineated. people's understanding of "globalization" is good or bad, and the lights are still bght.




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