
发布时间:2023-01-26 11:53:53 阅读:383 点赞:42


关于”我学会了什么“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:what have i learned。以下是关于我学会了什么高考英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:what have i learned

when i entered the university for so many years, i was so excited, i ted to realize this dream, and finally i made rything look fresh and cuous. i was very happy that i would soon enjoy my college life. when i was in high school, i had to study all the time, and had little free time to do what i wanted to do.

i had to concentrate on my textbook and over and over again exercise so, i have little time to read magazines and novels, watch tv. what's worse, i can't play a lot with my fends, which is the most unbearable thing for me. everything i do in high school should consider the college entrance examination.




dung the summer vacation, i finally learned something fm the exam that i would nr learn. that is, my part-time job tght me what wealth is. when we ask o parents for money in o daily life, we don't care about anything except how to enjoy money.

we don't know how to make so much money. i have learned the value of money becse i did it this summer part time jobs. in addition, i also learned how to get along with people and the importance of teark.

when i retned to school, i was ready to overcome any difficulties, becse i became brave, learned to chesh the things nd me, and importantly, i accumulated some work and social expeence for my fute.




many high school graduates mistakenly beli that college life is completely free fm wores after seous and seous study in senior three. howr, hard men hope to have a rest and form some habits. many people may later find that the situation may exceed their expectations.

i try to convince the s nd me that my college life is a free and free image some misunderstandings in reality, school life is so busy, sometimes i want to know whether my ener is enough for my first year of university, my life is mainly composed of o parts, one is learning, the other is as a student, the main task is to study, in order to get a high a, i must adapt to the life style of university, start a new psuit in learning, which is a kind of high school learning there is a ommate who goes out to class in the morning, studies by himself in the ning and comes back after the classom is closed. the behavior of my peers makes me feel that under the presse of university, a kind of outlook on life has been completely formed and strenened. i be to plan my fute plans, and realized that learning itself is my business.

the i study hard, the mate my college education is, the better the students will have. i usually think it is worthwhile to take time to study, becse it cares important nts such as occupation, occupation and responsibility to some extent. learning and practice are interined.

fm the beginning of freshman year, the student union has been almost completely recoized. the student union is a place where you can exercise yo ability, use yo ability, and make many fends with the same interest as him. but sometimes, social activities and practice are time-consuming.

what's , the sense of responsibility also requires you to work hard to complete a task that no one starts fm the present position. sometimes this is what he or she wants to do, and only you have the prepared mind and opportunity i didn't relax in my first year of college, but i was full of cuosity and satiaction all the way.




标签: 新学期 

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