
发布时间:2023-01-24 15:30:09 阅读:301 点赞:41




if you pay attention in some places, you will find that most okers are young people, and n some are middle school students. it is said that in china, the number of okers is about one billion. why so many people oke? some people think that oking is a kind of fun, some people think that oking can refresh people.

in fact, oking is a bad habit, which has great harm to people's health. smoking research shows that many diseases are related to oking. smoking itself is a waste, it costs a lot of money today, and people nd the world want to quit oking.

if you are not a oker, don't start.




dear president, oking may be a please for some people. medical scientists have expressed their concern about the health effects of oking, not only those who are oking, but also those living in the air polluted by tobacco oke. studies have shown that nonokers suffer than okers themselves.

many students have joined the ranks and ted to persuade universities to ban oking in theaters, cinemas and other public places. therefore, oking must be banned in o classoms. although many people die of excessive oking, we call on people to stop oking.

howr, people will refuse what we say ry day. i think it is important to call on okers to use correct judent and treat them we seem to have a meeting once a week and we don't need to wte to each other, but i think ry time we get to the meeting om again and again, the pen is able to speak than the tongue. there is a huge black cloud of oke sing fm ry corner, which makes okers and non-okers cough and sneeze.

then the meeting starts in the oke and cough storm. i'm very sorry for you, my dear chairman, bee ry time i sit with women, no one can or want to hear yo speech bee they don't oke. i find that they have the same idea about oking as i do.

we don't mind that they oke outside or in the oking area of the conference om. if you have such a compartment, oking in such a large number of people is really a nuisance obviously, most okers don't know that oking is harmful to their health and o health. they should be told that those who die of oking related diseases ry year should be warned by lung cancer patients who are frequently reported.

heavy okers should also tell them that their oking is harmful to non-okers nd them. you don't have to reply to you by email the best answer is to blow the oke out of the om before ry meeting.




i would like to apply for the position of industal engineer pvided by yo company. i think i am a suitable candidate for this position, bee my qualifications and expeence are very suitable for the position that i graduated fm the industal engineeng department of jiangxi university of science and technolo in july. i majored in industal engineeng ding my university, and i worked hard to study the major coses, which laid a solid foundation for theoretical knowledge.

therefore, i passed all the examinations in statisti, operational research, s engineeng, business mament and other pfessional coses have achid excellent results. logisti, statisti and pbability theory pfessional english, metalworking practice, electcal engineeng practice, linear algebra, and i have passed college english band 4 and national comr band 3 examination. in my junior year, i was very active and participated in vaous social activities.

as a monitor, i was awarded an advanced fige in jiangxi university of science and technolo, and became a part-time business director in ganzhou angel since september i have worked actively and succesully in some student associations. all these expeences have greatly ed me to dlop and impve my orizational and social skills. i asse you, if succesul, i will try my best to satiy you.

if you can give me an interview opportunity, i will pvide my certificate. i can contact me by phone or email laihaiyong@ailcom we enclose a resume, a copy of the recommendation form and a report card. thank you for yo time and consideration.



标签: 新学期  认为 

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