
发布时间:2021-08-19 07:59:48 阅读:21485 点赞:31


关于”人文学科优势“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:advantages of humanities。以下是关于人文学科优势六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:advantages of humanities

wting: directions: suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to major in the humanities, wte an article stating yo point of view. in this world full of changes and challenges, we have to face new pblems ry day. people may be most concerned about high school graduates.

if there are o choices: for me, majong in science or humanities, i prefer the latter. why? you may wonder whether i should choose humanities. the reasons can be summazed as: directly or indirectly, humanities science can not only ench o basic understanding of multicultali, but also impve people's insight into daily life.

what's , learning humanities can enable us to have an independent personality and a deeper vision of the world. if not for these o charactesti, in such a society that emphasizes the depth of thought, how can we svive in such a society that emphasizes the depth of thought in order to achi great goals in the world, it must be the best way to choose humanities as one's major. therefore, in my opinion at least, it is preferable for college students.

if they have the opportunity, we will cultivate an innovative thinking mode in the pcess. there is no difficulty that can not be solved by an innovative thinking mode the door of innovation thinking mode can not be opened, there is no mountain that can not be overstepped by innovative thinking mode.




humani since i was a pmary school student, i have been doing a lot of reading and wting. i like philosophy, politi, science and fairy tales. i study history carefully, especially about o own people and o country.

it's always pleasant and natal to sit in an open place and read on the grass. i know very well that my major in university will be one of the humanities. i think that the teaching career of humanities will be full of challenges and attraction.

one day, when i talk to young students in the classom or anywhere, we will discuss a philosophy of life, a way of thinking, a concept of democracy, a view of ght and wng, and a view of bety.





in a world full of changes and challenges, we are faced with new pblems ry day. one of them may be the top concern of high school graduates. if there are o choices: for me, science or humanities, i prefer the latter reason, you may wonder whether i should choose the humanities major.

the reasons can be summazed as follows: the most important thing people quoted one of the reasons is that directly or indirectly majong in humanities can not only ench o basic understanding of persian culte, but also impve people's insight into daily life, which is very important for us. more importantly, the study of humanities can enable us to have an independent personality and a deeper vision of the world, if not for these o charactesti how can we achi great goals in this predatory world? first of all, in such a society which emphasizes the depth of thought, it must be the best way to major in humanities. therefore, in my opinion at least, it is preferable for college students.

if they have the opportunity, we will cultivate an innovative thinking mode in the pcess. as the saying goes, no innovative thinking mode can solve the pblem there is no gate that can not be opened by the innovative thinking mode, and can not be spassed without the innovative thinking mode of high mountain.




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