
发布时间:2023-01-26 10:37:03 阅读:425 点赞:28


关于”跟区别“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:the difference with。以下是关于跟区别初中英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:the difference with

"windows dialogue dialogue archaeolo archaeolo color favote jewelry plan floor story lear center theater theater meter watch sc, sz license plate practice ysis globalization gray gray motozed apartment dialing code area code lawyer car to note bill csps chips elevator freeway pants march 2, march 1, 2, march 3, apl 20, 1984, apl 20, 1984, apl 20, 1984, 19877 / 5 / / 6 dollars / a (one) one dred snty-five dollars, one dred snty-five dollars, one dred snty-five dollars and o times three times ze, double one o three o one one o o o one elve elve elve one o nine (three nine) o three fo nine o three thirty nine sir, sir, sir, sir, sir, sir, mr, mr, mr, mr, mr, mr, mr / dear mr / dear sir (free end) ", i would like to express my sincere regards that you should have" yes / no / no "," have to do something, have to do something "," holiday work "," temporary worker "," comr " recruitment, comr rental, graduation, college graduation / graduation, the salary is not high, "i get along well with my bosco", "i've always been good", "stand up" the pce is "comr class, comr class" wait a minute, please me to get the .


“”windows对话对话考古学考古颜颜最喜欢珠宝首饰计划楼层故事里尔中心中心剧院剧院米表sc,sz牌照实践分析全球化全球化灰灰机动作公寓拨号代码区号律师车to note bill csps chips升降电梯高速公路高速公路裤子xx月2,xx月1,2,xx月3,xx月20,xx年xx月20,xx年xx月20,19877/5//6美元/a(一)百七十五美元一百七十五美元和两倍三倍零,双一二三二零一一二,九双九(三九)二三四九九二三三九(商务英语或商务英语函电商务写作皇后区英语方块式缩进式内部地址内地址先生,先生,女士,先生先生先生先生先生先生先生女士先生/尊敬先生先生(免费结束)“”谨致最诚挚问候,真诚问候你应该“有/没有/没有”“必须做点什么不得不做些什么”“假工作”“临时工”“计算机招聘”“计算机租赁”“毕业”大学毕业/毕业离校,薪水不高,“我和我博斯哥相处得很好”“一直都很好”“站起来”价格叫价格“上电脑课上电脑课”等一下,请帮我接一下经理。


|the first is the difference beeen pn. for example, "worker" in the united states is pnounced as |'w ∂: rk ∂; in btish english, it is pnounced | a: |; but in amecan english, it is pnounced as | pa: s | p æ s| second, amecan english and btish english use different words: e.g. panttusers, different spelling: central pgram laborlabor.


|首先是pn区别例如:例如“worker”发音为|'w∂:rk∂,在英国英语中发音为|'w∂:k |;在英国英语中,有| a:|;但在英语中,它读作|æ|,例如“pass”| pa:s | | pæs | second,英语和英国英语使用不同词英语:例如pantstusers,不同拼写:中心程序程序laborlabo。


i like the difference beeen amecan english and btish english. the best answer is fm o peter. why do you like tumn? ask his chinese clasate li wei and it's too dangeus to fall.

oh, come on, li wei. i mean i like the third season of the year. its tumn is in btish english.

i see many different words in these o kinds of english, for example: football vs football, rubber to rubber, biscuit to biscuit. there are some other different ways beeen amecan english and btish english. you can hear amecans speak english with the letter r in ry word, but the btish don't, and in amecan english, sometimes it sounds like ah, for example: god sounds like gahd, etc.



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