
发布时间:2023-01-26 04:32:41 阅读:294 点赞:95


关于”我理想“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:my ideal。以下是关于我理想小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:my ideal

i hope to be a scientist in the fute. this is my dream. i have to work hard for it scientists to make great contbutions to o society.

we have tv, comrs, trains, aies, planets and many other things. becse of the hard work of scientists, i want to be a great man. i want to be an ae scientist becse i am interested in the outside world.

space is very good it's wonderful to be a scientist in this field.




good morning, ryone. today i just want to share my thoughts with you. i'm only years old, but i have many great ideals.

when i was 5 years old, i wanted to be a scientist. howr, when i was 5 years old, i changed my mind after watching a hong kong drama. i wanted to be a lawyer, becse lawyers in tv pgrams are always betiful.

then i was only 12 years old. my ideal was until i saw a short film about afcan children finally, i made up my mind. like mr.

mandela, i have a dream of working for the great black people. i will work for the happiness of all children. thank you for listening.

the question is: my ideal is ght. i hope ryone can realize yo dream in the fute.




my ideal life may be just a dream for me, but i still look forward to what my ideal life is. to be honest, i don't know what the idea is. my ideal life must be free, which means i can do what i want to do.

no one tells me this or that. second, i don't have to worry about money. third, i can buy what i need and i can do it big, which means that i can become a succesul man, in my ideal life there are many aders, i think i will always ile in my dream.



标签: 节日  新学期 

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