
发布时间:2023-01-19 01:47:55 阅读:361 点赞:79




when i entered university for so many years, i was so excited that i ted to realize this dream. finally, i made rything fresh and cuous. i was very happy that i would enjoy my college life soon.

when i was in high school, i had to study all the time, and i had little time to do what i wanted to do. i had to concentrate on my textbooks and time and time again exercise therefore, i have little time to read magazines and novels, and n worse, i can't play a lot with my fends. this is the most intolerable thing i can't bear.

everything i do in high school should consider college entrance examination. my college life is totally different fm high school life. i can arrange time freely.

i spend most of my time reading in the library, where i can open my eyes eyes, open my vision. i also attended some clubs where i can make many fends of different specialties. my university teachers are so kind and knowledgeable that they not only teach us knowledge, but also how to be and how to get along with people.

in addition, i have opportunities to impve myself. i beli that college life is an important stage in my college life. i can learn how to study myself, how to get along with people and how to live independently.

university pvides me with a stage to show myself and be myself.





chesh o university life, campus life and o body is as important, we should learn to chesh, especially the university life in university life, we can participate in vaous activities orized by vaous associations, so that yo vision will be bader and yo knowledge will be colorful. in addition to the colorful outdoor activities, you can also attend many advanced lectes or coses you like, where you can not only learn some useful things, but also entertain yo body and yo heart. and, if it's convenient, you can travel and relax after yo busy college life.

you can benefit a lot fm college life. after all, life is not long.





life in college is very good. all school life is new teachers, new clasates and new fends. i am very eager to learn a lot of knowledge and talent in high school.

i have played run-up before. i know that my time is much behind what i hope. i can catch up with my hard work when i first enter the classom, i have a headache bee i don't understand the pfessor's words.

i see that it is difficult to learn mathemati, physi and other coses. even though i have been very good in these sciences, i have learned a cose myself. after a few months of these coses, what i want to say is that i have overcome all the difficulties, and it is very difficult for me to learn english.

this has given me a lot of opportunities to communicate with foreiers, i and many forei teachers teachers and students work together, i understand a lot of forei culte knowledge, in addition to learning, my university life is also very ch, i am willing to use this opportunity to impve my communication skills, last year i orized a speech con mament, all students are very interested in such activities, i care about them fm their families, their knowledge and views, my college life is long i beli that i can spend fo years of good time, i hope i will not have when i look back on the past, in the next short-term college youth.



标签: 大学生  新学期 

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