
发布时间:2023-01-23 04:23:41 阅读:299 点赞:26


关于”传统文化“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:traditional culte。以下是关于传统文化中考英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:traditional culte

the information revolution, the dlopment of mass media and the pgress of science and technolo undouedly make us enter a rapidly dloping society. in this society, we may not have time to talk about the traditional culte in o city, eat the popular fast food and enjoy the popular "fast food" culte. no one can escape this fast pace, becse we are used to such fast food and spread a lot some people think that traditional culte will gradually disappear, but i think it will nr disappear.

despite the ch entertainment activities and the dominant traditional culte, we still regard going to concerts as a luxy. many classic books are handed down fm generation to generation. despite the time and , we are still moved by o great epic spit 。 the css era festival reminds us that we are gratified by o attitude towards traditional culte.

today, when traditional culte is ready to revive, we have taken positive meases to ptect these cultes. experts have put forward apppate suggestions to ptect these cultes. many volunteers first devote themselves to studying these cultes, and and people are aware of the importance of this it is belid that if a culte wants to oain eternal life, it should change itself to cater to the people of this era.

then whether o traditional culte adheres to modern means is gous. for example, we make cds for classical music so as to meet the needs of modern people and fther and succesully spread traditional culte in the modern world change, but its nate will nr change and will not be accepted by people. whether o traditional culte will lose it is an important hetage of all .

without culte and without humanity, we chesh traditional culte just as we chesh the blood in o body. traditional culte exists in life, if accepted here, it will continue forr.




traditional culte will not disappear. it seems that ry day we live in the conflict beeen modern culte and traditional culte. when you go out of the house and hear the trumpet sound, when you open yo eyes to see the so-called "popular", you can't thinking, "will traditional culte gradually disappear?" many people beli that sophie has put all the evidence they can dig out before you.

they may say, people they are rushing to restaants instead of cooking at home and listening to pop music, but it's not traditional. people can't imagine that ten years ago, modern people liked free air and were not bound by tradition. they offer a long list, just trying to confirm that the world is full of fashion, competition and temptation, and that traditional culte is declining and will ntually disappear.




in today's world, and people are calling for the rescue of traditional culte, while others are calling for a rapid technological revolution in the new millennium. this is why technolo and tradition are so incompatible, and there is also a balance point. we can not only retain the hetage of o ancestors, but also continue to dlop high technolo we must admit that there is indeed a conflict beeen technolo and tradition.

urbanization and modernization sweeping the world have changed the way we plant corn and wheat. although these traditional culte and old culte have obvious conflicts, what we see is not only the conflict beeen traditional culte and old culte, but also inevitable. in a sense, whether it is technolo or tradition, technolo innovation is actually a part of the culte owned and owned by china's fo great inventions.

it is impossible for chinese people to have such a splendid and colorful traditional culte. it is advanced technolo that keeps these ancient crafts and pieces in such a good state. tradition is not something that has died out, but is facing great challenges.

it will gain ener and self- thugh struggle. the good things in it will svive and dlop with the new power pvided by new technolo (:) people should not be so pessimistic about the fute of o traditional culte, becse in this challenging world, things that do not svive are too sad, which will only hinder them we are moving towards a refined pace and dloped life.



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