
发布时间:2023-01-21 00:32:30 阅读:283 点赞:17


关于”正能量“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:positive ener。以下是关于正能量小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:positive ener

life needs positive ener. a person's life is a ad with many difficulties and negative emotions. everyone will have a time of despair.

positive ener can us thugh this peod. for example, i was very sad about yesterday's exam, but an optimistic clasate encoaged me to think about it and comfort me that i would recover soon. but if she was as pessimistic as me, i won't recover so fast, maybe i'll be sad for a long time.

there are many similar things happening in o life, we need positive ener.




i am a sports fan. basketball, table tennis and bton are all my favote sports. basketball is my favote sport bee it bngs me happiness.

when i put on my sports jacket and run in the basketball match, i have a feeling of . i keep the free blue sky, white clouds, sun and fresh air. i can't bear to bubble on my head when i'm in the ball when playing basketball rhythmically on the cot, it makes the sound of "bang, bang, bang", which inspires people.

whenr i get d of the attack of the other side and firmly enter the basket, there will be a kind of joy and happiness. when the "bang, bang" of the ball and the "squeak" sound of shoes and gund ding, the "squeak" sound is interwoven, which sounds like a symphony and makes me intoxicated i love basketball, i love basketball, bee it can make me happy and bng me happiness. i often play basketball with my clasates.

what's interesting is that i play basketball together with my clasates and feel happy. we are free in o hands, bee we play very skillfully. now, bee o stren is not enough, so these three points are almost the same.

i have to practice and exercise to have a good body.




chen yibing, the leader of the chinese men's mnasti team, is one of my favote athletes. just like him, it is just bee he is the world champion and the pde of the chinese people. it is also bee of the team spit chen yibing said that tranits the positive ener of the beijing olympic games.

i remember the king of the five ngs. at this year's london olympic games, i always paid close attention to the mnasti competition, bee of the conflict beeen competition and training, i didn't have time to watch it on tv, when training, i used the sidelines to s the border and watch the news comments on the internet. bee yang guowei played temporaly, he ed a lot of major mistakes, and his ranking fell to the worst in history.

howr, we didn't hold the last hope. howr, such an incredible rrsal happened. when i saw that china men's basketball team succesully defended the championship with ze mistakes in the final, i was really excited by my own success i know the first lesson, bee after chen yibing finished the preliminaes, the students summed up the reasons for the mistakes in the class and encoaged each other.

no one complained. it was the players who passed on a kind of positive ener. after the faile of other countes, the players cticized each other.

the negative ener was tranitted, one positive and one negative. the effect can be imagined. how wonderful chen yibing said about the tranission of positive ener.

now i we advocate encoagement, that is, people want to listen to good things and good things. after listening to them, they will dve their full power. who is willing to listen to ctici? even if they are wng, there are reasons and hope to be understood.

it is not sarca, sarca, complaint, negative ctici and some stimulating things. howr, most people only hear that the depressed and adversity it is, the we want to iite it in good times dream, tranit positive ener.



标签: 女孩儿  新学期 

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