
发布时间:2023-01-25 09:10:52 阅读:271 点赞:99


关于”选择工作还是“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:choose a challenging job or。以下是关于选择工作还是高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:choose a challenging job or

in today's society, people have opportunities to choose jobs than anyone else. some people change jobs fm time to time. they see it as a way to learn about the world, make fends, and lead a challenging but colorful life.

howr, some people are still engaged in only one kind of work for a long time. are they worth achieving their goals in those fields? i prefer to specialize in a job and do it wholeheartedly. only in this way can we achi the goal we set and become the best.





a woman opens the fnt door and finds o boys with a "ladies" list. one of them explains, "we are looking for trease. we need three grains of wheat, a pork chop bone and a used carbon paper to make a dollar." "wow," the woman replied, "who sent you to do such a challenging t" "o nanny's boyfend" cnjenco a name of a nanny's boyfend ԡ ԡ ԡ a name of a nanny's boyfend ԡ ???? b where o boys should go ???? c address of ms.

c ԡ d o boys' things things o boys met a woman where o boys met a woman cnjenucom a was on the street ԡ b b b b b b b b b where o boys should go ԡ b where o boys should go ԡ c address of ms d o boys things of o boys where o boys met a woman cnjenucom com a was on the street b b b b b onthe way c in the backyard d in her fnt door cnjencom ; ③ why do the boys go ting a. becse their parents told them to do this, b becse their babysitter was not at home c becse their nanny's boyfend wanted to be alone with her ; d becse it was their usual cnjencom b women's attitude towards boys' behavior was b she was angry c she was a little disappointed d she was a little spsed a 13; 13; 13; 13 13 13\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\.


一个打开前门,发现两个男孩拿着一张“女士”单子,其中一个解释说,“我们正在寻宝,我们需要三粒小麦、一块猪排骨头和一张用过复写纸来挣一美元”; “哇,”回答说,“谁派你去做这样一个富有狩猎”“我们保姆男朋友”cnjencom 注释: porkshop 碳纸 练习: a保姆男友名字 b两个男孩应该去哪里 c女士地址 d两个男孩事情两个男孩在哪里遇见了cnjencom a在街上 b在路上 c在后院 d在她前门cnjencom ③为什么男孩们要去狩猎 a,因为他们父母告诉他们这样做,b因为他们保姆不在家 c因为他们保姆男朋友想和她单独呆在一起 d因为这是他们惯常游戏cnjencom b对男孩行为态度是 b她很生气 c她有点失望 d她有点惊讶从这篇文章中,我们可以得出这样结论: 在。


more and college graduates find themselves in a situation where job seekers are fighting for svival. o class has a heated discussion on this issue. some students have different ideas to fther their studies.

most students make up realistic and do not expect high salaes. they think it is wise to do so. they hope to reduce the bden on their families.

they also beli that western or ral areas have better dlopment one fifth of them choose to stay in university for fther study or to study practical skills in holiday schools. the rest bravely set up their own companies, thus creating employment opportunities for other graduates and themselves. for me, this choice is both challenging and rewarding.

i will consider my interests and abilities to choose a job. it may not be a decent job with a good income. i hope my first job will pvide an opportunity to learn new skills and gain ch expeence.

they beli that early employment can be achid by loweng the income expectation, so as to reduce the family bden. they also beli that if they have better dlopment opportunities, they will also have better dlopment opportunities to work in the west or ral areas. they think that full employment is an unrealistic goal, so they choose to continue to study or go to vocational schools to learn some practical skills i think that after a sees of timely meases by the government, we have the confidence and ability to overcome the crent difficulties and challenges, and the employment pspects of graduates will soon be better.

what we need to do now is to formulate plans and actions according to the actual situation, so as to ense that we can make full use of o talents and challenges difficulties in working skills.



标签: 新学期 

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