
发布时间:2023-01-18 09:25:56 阅读:331 点赞:68


关于”一次难忘旅行“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:an unforgettable tp 。以下是关于一次难忘旅行初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:an unforgettable tp

i often travel by train becse it's cheap and comfortable. last winter vacation, i first took a car tp. at first, i felt uncomfortable, but it didn't last long.

it's very exciting to travel by car. if we want to enjoy the scenery outside, we can stop at any time. on the way, we visited many places of interest and took many photos.

it was an unforgettable expeence for me.




i remember last summer, my fends and i had an interesting hike in the eastern subbs. we bught a lot of tools, such as maps, pencil sharpeners, walking sticks, food and dnks. when we got there according to the map, we picked up many branches to make a fire.

howr, there were a lot of mushoms on the gund. any one of us knew whether it was poisonous or not, so we took out the food we bught back. fortunately, the ad there is muddy, we prepared a word, this is an interesting tp i have nr expeenced, i learned a lot of things i don't know in the book, this is an unforgettable joney, unforgettable pain.





i remember last summer, my fends and i had an interesting hike in the eastern subbs. we bught a lot of tools, such as maps, pencil sharpeners, walking sticks, food and dnks. when we got there according to the map, we picked up many branches to make a fire.

howr, there were a lot of mushoms on the gund, and any one of us knew if it was poisonous, so we took out the food we bught back. fortunately, the ads there were very muddy. all in all, we were ready.

it was an interesting tp that i had nr expeenced. i learned a lot of things i didn't know in books. it was an unforgettable joney and unforgettable pain.




标签: 新学期 

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