
发布时间:2023-01-24 15:02:20 阅读:319 点赞:69




dear apartment : i'm wting to complain that my neighbor, mr. black, lives next door to me. he's disrupting my life.

he's having parties almost ry day. people are noises. they dance, lgh and shout.

they often do such stupid things until early in the morning. when mr. wang and i often quarrel, i can't tell them all these things there was a fight.




in my memory, my parents have nr done anything, so i think they have "love" beeen them. they seem to be together, or let me not like the so-called "love" beeen them. when i knew they quarreled, they knew that it was a cold winter.

he invited her to eat dumplings in the dumpling house zi, he said: "to eat dumplings, we should use pepper to eat in a warm place." for so many years, she still remembers that he was still chili dumplings for one year. he was very happy ry time he ate. then, as usual, in order to honor her, she had to travel to beijing.

before that, she had nr been to beijing, and he had to know that she often lost a person's charactesti instead of letting her get lost in a strange city, he should accompany her and say, "if you get lost, i won't allow you to lose one person." after they got mared, he would no longer watch s, watch martial arts, or have dinner with fends late at night. all this is bee she doesn't like her, but also to satiy the sweetness aund him to change his habit of eating anopheles spicy i used to eat desserts now. they often hold hands after dinner and whisper something so that others can't hear the quarrel with their parents.

i don't have to block my ears as usual, bee i know it's the language of love.




dear jim, i have a pblem. i need yo . my parents are very busy.

they need to stay in beijing for half a month. so they decided to let me live in my uncle's house, but i don't want to go, bee i don't like my cousin liu jin. he often makes my things hard for him, so we often quarrel.

this is my worry. what should i do, zhao hei.



标签: 新学期 

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