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关于”给朋友回信“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:reply to a fend。以下是关于给朋友回信高考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:reply to a fend

on the other hand, you seem to be a keen ob and yst. you really have the quality of a good lawyer. now i would like to say some points that you should pay attention to first.

you should stve to get high marks in the coming college entrance examination, becse law is a very popular major in o university. the competition for admission is fierce. in addition to the regular preparation for the examination, you also need to have a sound body to make yo mind sound.

you should review all the coses and read some books on law, so that you can get have confidence to be admitted ՝ as long as you can, you will make yo fute talents 〝 good luck 〝 yo zhang ming.


一封信另一方面,你似乎是一个敏锐观察者和分析家,你真具备了一个好律师素质。现在我想说一些你应该首先注意要点,你应该努力在即将到来高考中取得高分,因为法律是我们大学非常受欢迎专业新生入学竞争激烈,除了常规备考外,还需要有一个健全身体,让你头脑健全,复习所有课程,读一些法律方面书籍,这样你就更有信心被录取了‰只要尽你所能,你就会把你未来人才ԡ好运ԡ您 张明。


a letter and a reply to a fend dear fend: i am glad to learn that you want to apply to my university becse you are good at debating and debating. i stngly suggest that you major in law as far as i know. you are an upght generator ready to defend the wnged and let justice be done.

on the other hand, you seem to be a keen ob and yst you really have the quality of a good lawyer. now i want to (want to) put forward some points that you should pay attention to first. you should try yo best in the coming college entrance examination.

law is a very popular major in o school. the competition for freshmen is fierce. in addition to the regular preparation for the exam, you also need to have a sound body to make yo mind sound.

review all yo coses and read some related information law books, you will be full of confidence in yo own admission, do yo best, in the fute you will give full play to yo talent, i wish you good luck zhang ming.




dear frank: long time no see. how are you? i'm glad to hear fm you. i'm glad to hear that you are coming to my city to live with us for a few weeks.

my house is in paradise street. there are five oms. one is living om, o bedoms, and the other o are kitchen and bathom.

i have cleaned a om for you. there is a bed, a sofa and three chairs in this square meter om. if this om is not suitable, please wte to me and i will prepare another for you.




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