
发布时间:2023-01-21 13:51:31 阅读:321 点赞:25


关于”写给李华“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:to li hua。以下是关于写给李华高一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:to li hua

dear tom, thank you for yo letter. next, i'll give you an answer on how to maintain the safety of school students. first of all, we should pay attention to safety.

students should abide by the rules and behaviors of the school. ding the peod of school leaving, don't make mischief in the cordor. we carry out education coses.

if the safety education behavior does not conform to the requirements, we need to register. the visitors need to register at last. the school secity guards should arrange for wan lihua.




dear tom, thank you for yo letter. next, i'll give you an answer on how to maintain the safety of school students. first of all, we should pay attention to safety.

students should abide by the rules and behaviors of the school. ding the peod of school leaving, don't make mischief in the cordor. we carry out education coses.

if the safety education behavior does not conform to the requirements, we need to register. the visitors need to register at last. the school secity guards should arrange for wan lihua.




dear li hua, i'm glad to hear fm you. i think it's a good idea to set up a band of o own, and i'd like to be one of them. i think we should also invite zhang san, becse he is the best drummer in o class.

in fact, i think his contbution to o band will exceed mei lanfang's expectation for o band. when we meet for the first time, i will wte you my new ideas, xiao ming.



标签: 新学期 

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