
发布时间:2023-01-25 14:31:28 阅读:311 点赞:37




success is not easy to talk about, becse the word success itself has dreds of definitions. some people are power, some people are wealth, some people are reputation or great achiments. but i have my own understanding of success.

success means doing yo best. in my opinion, success means victory, which means that whether you are in a long-distance race, whether you will win or not, as long as you run as fast as you can, you will succeed, although you may be the last person to pass the finish line, becse you have shown others yo best state, you have done yo best to become a winner. success means working hard does not no one can succeed becse he spent many years wting a book the communist manifesto.

thomas edison succeeded becse he has ted thousands of times and found the best lighting mateal for ry success. if you want to succeed, you must work hard. success means you don't lose confidence.

no one will win forr you are bound to lose or fail. for you, don't lose confidence. a person who loses confidence is like a tree without ots.

it is easy to be blown down by the wind that nobel has failed many times. when he does expements, sometimes his laboratory catches fire, and he almost dies, but he nr loses heart and tes all the time. in the end, he invented a new explosive, so when you fail or encounter any difficulty, just beli in yoself, stand up and give it a big blow.




i like to people. i like to others. on my way home last wednesday, i saw an old lady fall down.

i quickly ed her stand up. she looked ill. i said, "are you ok, grandma." she said weakly, "i feel tired.

my home is a few meters away fm here." i said, "i can carry you on my back and take you home." when we arved, at her door, there was a young man standing in the window. he ran out as soon as he saw us. they were very grateful to me and invited me to have dinner with them.

but i told them that i had to go home unless my mother wored about me the next day, and my teacher praised me since the old lady's son gave me credit after the students told my teacher about my requirements, it has been a long time.




just like other young students, i have a betiful dream. especially when i was young, i always wanted to be a doctor. i was very ill, and then a good doctor ced me.

i secretly hope that one day i can become a great person like him. i hope that with my pfessional knowledge and skills, i will be able to save my life i don't mind working hard or living a life. i just want to live a meaningful life.

i think it's noble to live for the benefit of others. i will try to realize my expectations. you hope ryone has many dreams.

i have many dreams. i hope my dreams come true. so i have to work hard.

for example, i hope i can have a comr, then i can show it to my good fends, play it when i'm bored, and i have another dream, that is, i hope i can make the poor have a lot of money, i hope i can give gifts to ryone, i hope i want to be a doctor when i gw up. you know why let me tell you, becse i think doctors can all people. being a doctor is a good job if i am a doctor i will my patients.

i will be very fendly to my patients. we can each other. i beli that the people will love me, and i am very happy.

i also hope that i can save the poor. this is my dream. i think my job is very comfortable and happy becse i will work hard to do it.

i hope my dream will come true in the fute, but ryone must work hard to succeed.



标签: 新学期 

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